
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
公众生活逐步恢复。随着疫情防控形势积极向好,公众日常生活逐步恢复。公共交通全面恢复运行,餐饮门店有序开放堂食。“五一”假期重新绽放活力,全国铁路、道路、水路、民航累计发送旅客1.21亿人次,全国累计接待国内游客1.15亿人次,实现国内旅游收入475.6亿元,经受住了疫情和假期的双重考验。在落实防控措施前提下,全面开放商场、超市、宾馆、餐馆等生活场所。全国分批分次复学复课,截至5月31日,各省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团中小学部分学段均已开学,共有1.63亿学生(含幼儿园)返校。中国社会正在恢复往常热闹景象,人气日益回暖,消费逐步复苏。Gradual return to normal life.With steady progress made in Covid-19 control, public life is gradually returning to normal. Public transport services have fully resumed. More restaurants are reopening to the public. The May Day holiday in China saw a bustle of activity. During the five-day holiday, 121 million trips were made via railways, highways, waterways and air; and 115 million visits were paid to domestic tourist attractions, generating revenue of RMB47.56 billion.Services such as shops, supermarkets, hotels, and restaurants have reopened their doors under Covid-19 control conditions. Students across the country have resumed their studies, and some have now returned to school. As of May 31, 163 million students and children in some grades of kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools across the country had returned to school or kindergarten. Public life is returning to normal in China, with people resuming their daily routines and consumption gradually picking up.
