
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(四)14亿中国人民坚韧奉献守望相助4.Uniting as One – China’s Billion People
国家兴亡,匹夫有责。14亿中国人民,不分男女老幼,不论岗位分工,都自觉投入抗击疫情的人民战争,坚韧团结、和衷共济,凝聚起抗击疫情的磅礴力量。14亿中国人民都是抗击疫情的伟大战士。All citizens share a responsibility for the fate of their country. The 1.4 billion Chinese people, irrespective of their gender, age, and occupation, have plunged themselves into the battle against the epidemic. Resilient and united, they represent a formidable force.
医务工作者白衣执甲、逆行出征。从年逾古稀的院士专家,到90后、00后的年轻医护人员,面对疫情义无反顾、坚定前行。54万名湖北省和武汉市医务人员冲锋在前,4万多名军地医务人员第一时间驰援湖北省和武汉市,数百万名医务人员战斗在全国抗疫一线。他们以对人民的赤诚和对生命的敬佑,争分夺秒、舍生忘死、连续作战,挽救了一个又一个垂危生命,用血肉之躯构筑起阻击病毒的钢铁长城,为病毒肆虐的漫漫黑夜带来了光明,守护了国家和民族生生不息的希望。他们与病毒直面战斗,承受难以想象的身体和心理压力,付出巨大牺牲,2000多人确诊感染,几十人以身殉职。没有人生而英勇,只是选择了无畏。中国医生的医者仁心和大爱无疆,永远铭刻在中华民族历史上,永远铭刻在中国人民心中。Medical workers rose to the challenge.Medical workers, from the very young to the very old, showed no hesitation in confronting the epidemic. At the outset, some 540,000 medical workers from Wuhan and other parts of Hubei plunged into the fray, joined soon by more than 40,000 civilian and military medical workers who rushed from other parts of the country. Millions of medical workers grappled with the epidemic at the front line across the country. Showing professional devotion and a deep respect for life, many of them risked their own lives, racing against time and working round the clock to try to save every patient. They built a Great Wall against the virus, bringing light and hope to the nation at a dark time. They endured tremendous fatigue and stress, and paid a heavy price. More than 2,000 medical workers were infected, and scores died in the line of duty. No one is born a hero, yet their selflessness made them fearless. These people, with the nobility, kindness, and devotion that are intrinsic to their profession, have etched an unforgettable chapter in the history of the Chinese nation and in the hearts of the Chinese people.
