
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
日本年度汉字 Kanji of the year
The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, or JKATF, announced on Thursday that "rei" was the public"s top choice, reaping 30,427 votes among 216,325 suggestions received through online surveys and postcards.日本汉字能力检定协会12月12日宣布,通过在线投票及明信片收集的216325个年度汉字选票中,“令”字以30427票高票当选。


Comments from voters indicated that the main reason for their choice was the new era name,"rei" is the first of two characters in the name of the new imperial era, Reiwa, that began this year with the enthronement of Emperor Naruhito.投票民众评论显示,“令”字当选的主要原因是今年伴随新天皇德仁即位,年号变更,日本进入新的“令和”时代。
The character also features in terms like 法令改正 (hōrei kaisei), the “legal revision” that bumped the consumption tax rate from 8% to 10% on October 1, and 避難命令 (hinan meirei), the “evacuation orders” that reached many residents when typhoons or other natural disasters threatened their communities.“令”字还代表“法令改正”,指10月1日起,日本消费税率由8%升为10%;此外,也代表“避难命令”,指台风或其他自然灾害危及到居民社区时收到的避难指令。
