
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
爱国爱澳 loving the motherland and loving Macao
Macao"s economy registered the fastest growth and livelihoods witnessed the biggest improvement over the past two decades, President Xi Jinping said at a welcoming banquet hosted by the Macao SAR government. "The past 20 years are also a period that saw Macao compatriots share dignity of the great motherland and enjoy the greatest sense of glory," said Xi.国家主席习近平12月19日晚出席澳门特别行政区政府欢迎晚宴并发表重要讲话。
澳门“一国两制”实践呈现出许多亮点:爱国爱澳成为全社会的核心价值,宪法和基本法权威牢固树立,行政主导体制顺畅运行,融入国家发展大局积极主动,包容和谐增强社会凝聚力。The Macao practice of "one country, two systems" has new commendable aspects: "Loving the motherland and loving Macao" becoming a core value of the whole community, the authority of the Constitution and the Basic Law being firmly upheld, the executive-led system functioning smoothly, Macao actively integrating itself into the national development, and social inclusiveness and harmony creating great power to unite the people of Macao.——2019年12月19日,习近平出席澳门特别行政区政府欢迎晚宴并发表重要讲话
