
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
In addition, the popularity of Chinese private companies among students has dropped from 23.1 percent to 21.2 percent, and those wanting to start their own business immediately after college fell from 4.5 percent to 3.4 percent.此外,私企的就业意向也由去年的23.1%下降至今年的21.2%;毕业后立即创业的意向则由4.5%下降至3.4%。
报告指出,通过历年对比发现,尊重员工(respect for employees)已经连续多年被大学生评价为理想雇主(desirable employer)需要具备的首要特征,而公平公正的用人原则(fairness and equal opportunity policy at workplace)也越来越受到大学生的重视。
According to the survey, students expect to earn an average of 6,884 yuan ($983) per month in their first job, up from last year"s 6,530 yuan. Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen remain the top three cities of choice for fresh graduates.调查显示,2019年大学生第一份工作的预期月薪为6884元,去年为6530元。北京、上海、深圳依然是毕业生首选的就业城市。
进口暂定税率 provisional import tax rates
To expand imports, stimulate import potential and optimize the structure of imports, China will implement provisional import tax rates that are lower than the most-favored-nation (MFN) tariff rates for over 850 commodities starting Jan 1, 2020.为积极扩大进口,激发进口潜力,优化进口结构,自2020年1月1日起,我国将对850余项商品实施低于最惠国税率的进口暂定税率。
