2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
“北京礼物(Beijing Gifts)”品牌创建于2011年,是体现古都文化(culture of ancient capital)、红色文化(red culture)、京味文化(Beijing culture)和创新文化(culture of innovation)内涵,展示北京世界城市形象(image of a world-class city),代表精致工艺(refined craftsmanship)、优良品质(top quality)和丰富文化创意特色的北京旅游商品和文创产品的标志性品牌。该品牌于2014年由北京市旅游行业协会进行商标注册,2016年首次被写入全市高精尖产品目录。
More than 20 Beijing Gifts shops are up and running in the capital at the moment and offer traditional artworks, time-honored brand items and souvenirs.目前,全市共有20多家“北京礼物”线下店面,经营传统艺术品、老字号产品和纪念品。
The event has received more than 1.58 million votes since the middle of October, and this year"s event has helped boost relevant business sales by 91.5 million yuan ($13.07 million), up 20 percent year-on-year.此次评选活动于今年10月中旬开始,总投票数158万多张,评选活动共带动“北京礼物”参评企业近9150万元销售额,企业销售同比增长近20%。
唐人坊·国粹娟人系列 (Peking Opera dolls)
吉兔坊·新北京兔儿爷系 (the Rabbit God)
东方艺珍·花丝如意系列(ruyi, an S-shaped ornamental object)
步瀛斋 · 京城花海系列女鞋(women cotton shoes)
华都· “国安一起赢”二锅头酒 (erguotou, traditional Chinese vodka)