
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Meeting Neilia diverted a lot of Joe’s attention from college. But, it turns out, it also made him more determined to succeed. The thing is, Neilia had unerringconfidence in him. So much so that he began to feel more confident in himself. Under her influence, he buckled down for his last semesters in college, and did well enough to win a place at the Syracuse University College of Law.
At law school, Joe passed his final exams, thanks to Neilia"s help with revising. His next challenge was to find a place to practice law, in what was a notoriously competitive field. Luckily, his father managed to get him an introduction at the prestigious law firm, Prickett, Ward, Burt, and Sanders in their hometown of Wilmington. Despite his less-than-stellaracademic transcript, Joe talked himself into the job!
