
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
There is no one-size-fits-all path for human rights development. When it comes to human rights, there is no “country on a hill” that is superior to others. And no country has the right to be a “human rights judge”, still less interfere in others’ internal affairs while wielding the baton of human rights. China is ready to conduct human rights dialogue and exchange with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual respect. But we will never accept a self-righteous “human rights lecturer”. Certain Western countries willfully and condescendingly criticize other countries’ human rights conditions while turning a blind eye to their own systemic racism and racial discrimination in the past and at present. Still worse, they use human rights protection as the pretext for bullying, sanctions and belligerence, which is typical double-standard and travesty of international human rights. We urge certain countries to discard their old habits, earnestly reflect upon their deplorable track record of human rights and face up to and address their own problems.
