
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Among all ethnic groups in the US, American Indians have the shortest life expectancy, the highest poverty rate, the highest rate of alcohol abuse and the lowest community doctor-patient ratio. Not long ago, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on minority issues pointed out that “indigenous peoples’ experiences have for centuries been one of dispossession, brutality and even in some cases genocide”. The names of some US cities, communities and blocks arederived from American Indian languages. The images and elements of American Indians appear extensively in movies, advertisements and even the names of cars. In reality, however, American Indians are still mired in systemic discrimination, now consigned to oblivion away from extermination.
The genocide of American Indians in the US is not just a historical problem, but also a persisting, systemic issue of racism. While claiming to be a role model of human rights, the US has been employing double standards and instrumentalizing human rights to defend hegemony. We urge the US side to give up arrogance and prejudice, face up to and examine its grave human rights problems, and take concrete measures to address themratherthanpoint fingers at others and make irresponsible remarks.
