
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
The US repeatedly abuses state power to politicize and instrumentalize science and technology and economic and trade issues based on ideology. It has also intentionally put in place trade and investment barriers against specific countries. Such moves have undermined international trade rules and divided the global market.The US forced the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC), Samsung and other companies to provide chip supply chain data to the US. Is this also part of the framework you mentioned? In a world where the global economy is deeply integrated, the US moves to undermine the stability of global industrial and supply chains are against the trend. They are unpopular and will inevitably end up harming the US itself. We urge the US to adopt a correct attitude, follow the trend of the times, discard the zero-sum mentality, earnestly safeguard a fair, just and non-discriminatory market environment, and stop doing things that undermine world economic recovery and growth.
