
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
China Daily: Grave human rights crimes were committed by and still exist in the UK, Australia and Canada. Some commented that in recent time, these countries have appeared to offer their apologies but hardly taken measures to redress the problems and make compensations. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:我注意到,英国、澳大利亚、加拿大严重侵犯人权问题受到联合国人权理事会及有关专家的强烈关注。英国历史上疯狂进行海外殖民,在世界各地犯下无数屠杀罪行,人权劣迹罄竹难书。
Wang Wenbin: I noted that strong concerns have been raised over the serious human rights violations in the UK, Australia and Canada by the UN Human Rights Council and relevant experts. The UK committed atrocities of killings all over the world during its fanatical colonial rule, leaving behind innumerous human rights crimes. In recent years, racism has run rampant in the UK, with a hike of systemic discrimination, violent provocations and hate crimes against minority groups. There are a lot of such phenomena as xenophobia, hate speeches, and severe rights abuses against refugees and immigrants. British forces killed innocent people and committed torture in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, but the culprits are sheltered by the government and remain beyond the law.
