
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
王毅国务委员兼外长强调,一个中国原则是国际社会普遍共识,已经成为公认的国际关系准则。尼方作出重要决断,与中国恢复和发展正常关系,同绝大多数国家一样站在了历史正确的一边。中尼复交完全符合双方根本和长远利益,必将得到两国人民的欢迎和支持。中尼要筑牢一个中国原则的政治基础,共同擘画两国关系的发展蓝图,有序推进各领域交流合作,不断为两国和两国人民创造福祉。 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang stressed that the one-China principle is the general consensus of the international community and a universally-agreed norm governing international relations. Nicaragua has made an important decision to resume and develop normal relations with China, thus choosing to stand on the right side of history with the overwhelming majority of countries in the world. The resumption of diplomatic ties is fully in keeping with the fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries and is sure to be welcomed and supported by the two peoples. China and Nicaragua shall cement the one-China principle, the political foundation of bilateral relations, work together to chart the course of development of bilateral ties, and steadily advance exchanges and cooperation in various fields that will bring benefits to both countries and peoples.
