
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Relevant countries have claimed to be the “model of human rights” and “human rights judge”, and made irresponsible and presumptuous criticism with regard to other countries’ human rights situation. However, they have evaded and downplayed their own human rights abuses that took place in the past and are still happening today, repeating their wrongdoing time and again. They try to make their apologies look sincere, but in essence take this as a means to whitewash their crimes. Thereisnofollow-upmeasuretopunish the culprits and offerredress.Such gimmick can never deceive the world.
We advise the UK, Australia and Canada to do some soul-searching and show true remorse and redress their wrongdoing on the human rights issues,ratherthanstoppingatposturing. They’d better not become a footnote to the well-known saying of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, “But what experience and history teach is this, that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history and acted according to lessons that could have been drawn from it.”
