
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Zhao Lijian: On your first question, the 30th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People"s Congress will be held next month. I would refer you to the information that has already been released. I have nothing to add.
On your second question, the so-called genocide in Xinjiang is a through-and-through lie of the century fabricated by a few anti-China forces. We have also noticed that individual Congressmen in the US, out of ideological and political prejudice, have used it to smear China and try to disrupt, obstruct and undercut the efforts to prepare for and host the Beijing Winter Olympics. This runs counter to the spirit of the Olympic Charter and harms the interests of athletes from all countries as well as the international Olympic cause. China is firmly opposed to this. The remarks of the congressmen are full of arrogance, ignorance and lies, amount to typical "American farce" and are doomed to lose support and fail. Different sectors of the international community, including governments and Olympic committees of many countries as well as the International Olympic Committee, have explicitly opposed such wrong moves of politicizing sports.
