
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
这为那些强调“设计”而不是“规划”新的商业活动的理论开辟了新的空间。2001年,萨拉斯·萨拉斯瓦西(Saras Sarasvathy)提出了五项原则,以指导创业专家建立成功企业的行动。她认为这五个原则可以被视为最佳实践,因此,有抱负的创业者可以学习。另外,贝克和纳尔逊从社会学中借鉴了“拼凑”的概念,将其包装为一套原则并将其应用于创业上,指导创业者在面对资源缺乏时使用,与此同时,作为效果理论和“拼凑”的一部分而隐含地涉及的实验概念,开始受到关注。那些提倡对创业发展采取类似实验方法的书籍和研究文章也获得了些许的普及。因此,他们得出结论:只有通过将假设转化为事实的实验过程,才能有效且积极地减少高度的不确定性。此外,他们主张根据从精心制作的实验中收集的信息来做出决策,在这个理论的基础上,为越来越多的对机会构建感兴趣的学者提供了一套系统的理论指导。
The methods of scholarly origin outlined above did not seem to diffuse much outside academic circles (Arend et al. 2015; Frank and Landstrm 2016). It was instead, often the practitioner-grounded counterparts whose ideas were to reach a wider audience (Abrahamson 1991). Design thinking as a set of managerial guidelines started to gain momentum around 2006 (Rauth 2015). Designers Tim Brown, Roger Martin, and David Kelly of Stanford d.school and IDEO (a global designcompany) began to advocate for the applicationof design thinking in business and entrepreneurial contexts (Martin 2009), even claiming that they could revolutionize management education (Dunne and Martin 2006). Large firms such as Procter & Gamble adopted design thinkingand incorporated many of its keyideas intotheir processes (Leavy 2010). Some startup communities followed suit and used design thinking to structure their business activities (Sonalkar et al. 2016). In 2011, EricRies extrapolated from his own startup experiences and formulated a method he labeled “the lean startup methodology”(Ries 2011). The ideas were not new (e.g., Murray and Tripsas 2004) but were repackaged to appeal to the software industry. This was the first successful attempt to appropriate ideas reminiscent of experimental approaches to the context of entrepreneurship by a practitioner. Before Ries, Steve Blank had proposed similar ideas (Blank 2007), but he did not enjoy the same level of popularity and recognition as Ries. The lean startup methodology began to spread rapidly through hotbeds of entrepreneurship, such as Silicon Valley, and quickly reached a global audience among entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship practitioners. Other practitioners joined the emerging movement and added nuances and texture to the proposed guidelines (Blank and Dorf 2012; Furr and Ahlstrom 2011; Maurya 2012). Blank (2013) claims that, at the current moment, the lean startup methodology is the most popular entrepreneurial method around, with a striking range of entrepreneurs, incubators, accelerators, and entrepreneurship programs whose agendas are based on its fundamental principles. While scholarly grounded entrepreneurial methods have indeed attracted some attention, practitioner-grounded entrepreneurial methods appear to have reached the broadest audience among entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship practitioners 1.
