
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Research suggests that leaders who sets a clear sense of direction have the greatest impact. The best school leaders have a goal that they can unite a team and a plan to help them get there. Not just that, but they are able to clearly articulate their school vision and goals. If these leaders help to develop among their staff members a shared understanding of the organization and its goals and activities, this understanding becomes the basis for a sense of purpose or vision. Having such goals helps people make sense of their work and enables them to find a sense of identity for themselves with their work context. [3]
Several previous studies made connections between school climate, teacher performance and turnover, parent support, and outcomes for students. According to the research, when teachers and students feel safe and supported by the principal, they are more likely to achieve collective goals. [1] One of the critical roles in successful inclusive schools is the role of the principal. The school principal’s active participation is the single most important predictor of success in implementing change, improving services, or setting a new course. [4] A collaborative, inclusive learning environments will benefit teacher, students and schools.
