
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Many international companies seem to be erring on the side of caution and drawing up plans to relocate away from the UK and into mainland Europe.
err on the side of caution:宁求稳妥,不愿涉险
Morgan Stanley has confirmed it is moving up to 10 percent of its United Kingdom workforce, and Goldman Sachs has also shown signs of having itchy feet, gradually increasing its presence in mainland Europe.
Tarek Al-Wazir, the economy minister for the state of Hesse in Germany, is confident many companies will relocate to Hamburg.
德国黑森州(德国金融之都法兰克福所在地)的经济部长Tarek Al-Wazir坦言,他相信将会有很多公司搬到汉堡。
Early in 2018, Xinhua news service reported that Britain was China’s second-largest trading partner within the EU and that China was Britain’s second-largest non-EU trading partner.
Tony Samuels, a solicitor and notary public in the city of London, who has worked closely with many of China’s leading financial institutions, told China Daily that, in a turbulent world, the ability to take a broad view, and stability, are two key elements to ensure security. He said these factors make Brexit an opportunity for Sino-British ties to become stronger than ever.
