ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(12)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
B H企业办公设计代表项目
What measures do you take to address the challenges in the construction market after the epidemic?
Patrick:作为一家全球性公司,我们必须加强我们在关键增长市场的地位,提供高质量设计 咨询服务。我们专注高绩效市场的投资,挖掘各领域公共和私立机构的业务机会,并不断向新市场扩张。通过赋能新的服务,比如我们的体验式设计(Experience Design, ExD),继续扩大和丰富我们的核心服务,以应对市场条件和客户需求,突破传统设计服务的边界。
As a global practice we have had to strengthen our position in key growth markets with the highest potential for the delivery of high-value design consulting services. We’ve focused on investment in high-performing markets, tapping into the significant pipeline of public and private sector opportunities across a broad array of sectors – and expansion into new markets. By mobilizing new service offerings, such as our Experience Design (ExD) offering, we will continue to strategically expand and diversify our core service offerings in response to market conditions and client demand and pushing the boundaries of traditional design services.
同时,我们意识到必须向内审视如何共享信息,以及更好地通过全球各办事处的协同合作来交付工作。因此,我们成立了一个特别工作组来审查我们各个领域的业务,增加我们对“人 文化”的投资,以激励并吸引我们的全球人才。我们拓展后的社会责任框架(Social Responsibility Framework, SRF)将提供一个统一的平台,以观察我们改善内部和外部实践的社会框架计划进程,并与我们 “大胆 人性化”、目标驱动的品牌价值体系相关联。