ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(14)
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
We have many key accounts with which we have forged strong relationships with globally regardless of where the relationship originated. This helps establish B H as a trusted advisor as our clients grow and expand their business into new markets where B H has a presence. Our clients trust that we know what makes a successful project for them. Our history and knowledge of all aspects of their project from their brand to their internal processes and financial targets allows us to operate from a place where we can implement and integrate these key drivers into our design concepts to produce the right solutions.
Susanna:我们在中国有一些客户正在或开始开发海外项目。B H 利用全球 12 个办事处的团队资源,以帮助正在进入新市场的客户。这对我们来说是一个成功的模式,有助于与全球主要客户建立和维护长期合作关系。
We have several clients in China who are developing, or are beginning to develop, projects overseas. We leverage the resources of our team spanning 12 global studios to help clients who are entering new markets. This has been a successful model for us that has helped establish lasting relationships with key global client accounts.