ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(16)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Q7:对于想加入B H的年轻建筑师和设计师有什么建议?
Any suggestions for young architects and designers who want to join B H?
Patrick:我给年轻建筑师和设计师的建议是,永远对自己的想法有信心,愿意冒险,抓住机会,把自己的想法摆在桌面上。在B H,我们认为没有一个想法是不好的。我们的设计理念源于,相信在实践中灵感和想法无处不在。我们认为,每个人都应该成为设计过程的一部分。通过表述你的想法,我们可以从不同的角度测试、迭代和看待我们的解决方案。这些想法通常会引起共鸣,并对特定项目的核心设计理念产生影响。对于年轻设计师来说,畅所欲言并不总是容易或舒适的,因此我们强调创建非等级制的空间和论坛,以促进这些类型的想法交流,并为设计师提供机会,对设计过程产生有意义的影响。
My advice to young architects and designers is to always have conviction in your ideas, be willing to take chances, and take the opportunity to put your ideas out on the table. At B H we believe that no idea is a bad idea. Our design philosophy is informed by the belief that inspiration and ideas can be found anywhere in our practice. We believe that everyone should be a part of the design process. By putting your ideas out there, we can test and iterate and view our solutions from different lenses. Often the ideas will resonate and have an impact on the core design concept for a particular project. Speaking up is not always easy or comfortable for young designers, so we put an emphasis on creating non-hierarchical spaces and forums to facilitate these types of idea exchanges and provide opportunities for designers to make a meaningful impact on the design process.