ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(17)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
We"re also looking at how we use technology to advance our smart tools. The younger generations are much more high-tech savvy and are fearless in their exploration of new tools and processes to elevate our work and evolve our standards and practices. Our next gen talent is the future of our practice and impact our firm in a positive way – we’re constantly learning, testing, evolving, and growing through their energy and commitment to design.
对年轻建筑师和设计师来说,最大的吸引力之一是他们有潜力在B H跨部门、跨学科和跨地域工作。作为一种在世界各地的宏观和微观市场运作的跨学科实践,与我们在不同项目类型上的专家合作并向他们学习的机会是无限的。我们实践的规模为设计师提供了灵活的机会,使他们在不同实践领域获得宝贵的专业知识。因此,虽然设计师可能专注于医疗设计,但如果他们愿意从事零售、酒店、综合体和住宅等领域的项目,也有机会。在我看来这是独一无二的,大型公司的设计师有时会被指派到特定的行业或项目类型。但在 B H,我们促进组织内部的流动性,从而培养出更全面、对设计更具广泛视角的人才。但在B H,我们促进组织内部的流动性,从而培养出更全面、对设计更具广泛视角的人才。
One of the biggest attractions for young architects and designers is the potential to work across sectors, disciplines, and geographies at B H. As a transdisciplinary practice that operates in macro and micro markets around the world, the opportunities to work with and learn from our leading subject matter experts on different project typologies are boundless. The scale of our practice allows for the opportunity for designers to be nimble and gain valuable expertise across different sectors and aspects of our practice. So, while a designer may specialize in healthcare design, the opportunities to work on projects in the retail, hospitality, mixed-use, and residential sectors are available should they wish to pursue them. This is unique and not always available to designers in larger firms where they can sometimes become relegated to a specific sector or project typology. At B H we promote fluidity and movement within the organization which results in more well-rounded designers with broader perspectives on design.