ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(19)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Depending on the scale and scope of a project, we could have up to three different studios collaborating. This type of experience and the opportunity to work on international projects is very valuable for designers who are building their careers especially in China. Whenever we interview candidates, one of the first questions we receive is about our international portfolio and the opportunity to work on projects in counties such as Singapore, Canada, the US, and Vietnam, for example.
We also have knowledge exchange programs where talent can travel to another studio to gain knowledge and experience in a particular area of specialty. For example, a principal and healthcare leader in China worked from our Toronto studio for several months where she trained in our global centre of excellence for healthcare design. This experience was extremely valuable for her as she was able to gain knowledge and insight into the healthcare work the firm was producing in North America, and how our standards and practices could be applied to healthcare design in China.