ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(23)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Planning cities that will continue to thrive in uncertain times requires a strategy that supports long-term resilience. Planning, architecture, and interior design are the tools we can leverage. The more open we are as designers, the more receptive we will be to new and better typologies that accommodate new uses and experiences.
The built form of our cities is the infrastructure that supports human, social and economic activity. It is interdependent with the surrounding natural environment. Recognizing that cities are an expression of human needs and desires requires that resilience planning begins at the community level. As each of the risks that surround us increase in scale, our planning must enable us to respond at scale. Fortunately, we have access to global knowledge acquired through the urbanization and development of our cities over time. Many problems faced in one location have already been solved in another. Global connectivity creates a living network of diverse experiences that can be shared and built upon to solve today’s complex urban challenges and anticipate future change.