ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(15)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Q6: 您能谈谈B H的推进式战略(Advance Strategy)在行业可持续发展方面的优势吗?
Can you talk about the advantages of B H Advance Strategy in the sustainable development of the industry?
Our Advance Strategy practice is integral to our business and has a significant influence on how we approach sustainability and resiliency. Over the years the concept of sustainability has evolved to include other paradigms such as decarbonization, biomimicry and net zero. Ultimately it’s about how we can design better to have a positive impact on our communities.
We are focused on producing flexible spaces that positively contribute to their larger ecosystems in a circular economy. We must also think about how a building reaches the end of its lifecycle – how will it be dismantled? Can it be recycled? Instead of a new building, could we build on top of an existing building using the existing footprint? We are pushing the boundaries to understand how we move beyond the current limitations of sustainable and resilient design.