ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(3)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Patrick Fejér is a graduate of Cornell University and a recipient of the Clifton Beckwith Memorial Award for the highest accumulative average in design over five years of study. In addition, Patrick possesses professional affiliations, including the Ontario Association of Architects, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, Fellow, Leadership in Energy Design (LEED), and Accredited Professional.
Patrick拥有超过25年的丰富设计经验,于2022年被任命为B H的首席执行官,自此开始领导B H全球团队迈向新高度、实现新愿景。Patrick擅长运用多领域视角,以独特的协同工作方式,激励客户与设计团队大胆探索每个项目的无限可能。Patrick成功交付项目类型广泛,代表(在建)作品有微软上海紫竹研发中心二期扩建、匈牙利布达佩斯四季酒店、加拿大谷歌滑铁卢园区、加拿大多伦多MaRS二期重建等。
Patrick is one of the firm’s senior-most design leaders. During his over 25 years of practice, his range of project typologies has become remarkably diversified, and he channels his multi-sector perspective to co-create human-centered and future-forward solutions with his teams. Appointed CEO in 2022, he is reinvigorating a cross-pollination between our global platform of studios in line with the firm’s vision for growth. Patrick’s representative projects include Microsoft Shanghai Zizhu R&D Center Phase II Expansion, Four Seasons Hotel Budapest, Google Campus, Waterloo, MaRS Centre Phase II, Toronto, Canada, etc.