ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(5)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
You were appointed as the CEO last year. Is it a career challenge for you?
Patrick:目前,全球经济逐渐复苏,各行各业的跨界融合,形成一股全新向上的力量。尤其在办公领域,远程工作在一定程度上改变了我们的工作方式和办公社交模式,从而改变了商业项目的开发方向。在这样一个关键时刻,我成为全球架构 战略目标的首席执行官,既具有挑战性,也有激励性。在 B H,我们重视在设计过程中的认知提高。因此,我的首要任务之一是探索如何使设计过程更具协作性和吸引力。我们一直在寻找优化设计过程的方法,以确保我们尽最大努力,做强设计,实现以设计为主导的综合咨询服务平台新愿景。
Globally, there is a unique confluence of forces at play. Remote work has fundamentally changed how we work and the purpose of the office resulting in a complete reset of the commercial real estate landscape. Becoming the CEO of a global architecture strategy practice during such a pivotal moment has been both challenging and incredibly rewarding. At B H we are focused on emphasizing a heightened awareness of the design process in our work. We have been quite successful in our approach to our work and how we design for the end user. One of my top priorities is to continue to find opportunities to make the design process more collaborative and engaging, underscoring how important our clients are to us. We’re always seeking out ways to optimize the design process to ensure that we do our best work – it’s how we will take the firm to the next level in our mission to be a design-led practice.