ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(7)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
This philosophy really sums up our mission in terms of being impactful with our design and being memorable (Bold) yet always remembering the human element in everything we do, what we design, how we work with our clients, and how we work with each other. It is our connection to the user experience, our connection to the communities we work with. It’s about being open and transparent in how we express ourselves. We have a very diverse team. Our focus is on how we can improve collaboration with our clients, but also with our team members. We all have different experiences, and we want to celebrate them.
Buildings and spaces have long lifespans. We have an obligation to create places that will have a memorable and positive impact both now and in the future. We are responsible for making sure that we design spaces that are equitable, inclusive, and resilient for future generations to come.