ARCHINA专访B H首席执行官PatrickFejér|开启卓越设计新篇章(8)

2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
So, in this sense, our work and our values are informed by our experiences. As a values-led practice, we are constantly seeking to uncover what values are important to our talent and how we can harness this insight to do better work that makes an impact on our communities.
Q3:B H荣获ARCHINA评选的行业最具品牌影响力外资企业TOP30。未来如何继续打造B H品牌和市场定位?
B H has won the TOP 30 foreign investment brands with the most influence in the industry by ARCHINA. How to continue building B H brands and design market positioning in the future?
Firstly, We will continue to do good work by forging lasting, strategic relationships with the clients we work for and including them in our design process. We do our best work when our clients are just as empowered as we are. The process of co-creation starts with asking the client what is meaningful to them and building from there. Before we put pen to paper, we always start from a position of discovery.