北京市海淀区初三2020年上学期期末答案 听力原文 录音稿(2)

2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
A. The speakers both have watched the movie.
B. The movie is really popular and successful.
C. Seven Chinese people acted in the movie.
6. What does the man think of the movie?男士认为这部电影怎么样?
A. Touching. B. Scary. C. Funny.
请听一段对话, 完成第7至第8小题。
7. What will the boy probably do first?男孩可能会先做什么?
A. Work as a guide.
B. Give out water or notices.
C. Visit the website to get information.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about?说话者主要在谈论什么?
A. Being volunteers for the 19`h Asian Games.担任第19届亚运会志愿者。
B. Going to high school before the 19`h Asian Games.在第19届亚运会之前上高中。
C. Searching for information about the 19"h Asian Games.寻找关于第19届亚运会的信息。
请听一段独白, 完成第9至第10小题。
9. What might help people to get a good night"s sleep?怎样才能帮助人们睡个好觉?
A. Making their rooms quiet and dark.
B. Going out to take a long walk.
C. Reading an article or a book.
10. Why does the speaker give the speech?演讲者为什么要做演讲?
A. To explain how to improve reading skills.解释如何提高阅读技巧。
