北京市海淀区初三2020年上学期期末答案 听力原文 录音稿(5)

2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
13. It will take her 20 minutes to get to the lecture.
14. He(The boy)had a short-term art camp in Paris.
15. Because his(the boy’s)mom bought him a new bike. /Because he(the boy) got a great gift.
16. subjects;
17. interesting;
18. latest;
19. step;
21. A possible version
I’ve got some advice from Chris on how to be more cultured. I can firstly read books on lots of subjects. I can read books of different types. I can read about what I find interesting. 我从克里斯那里得到了一些关于如何更有文化修养的建议。我可以先读很多科目的书。我能读不同类型的书。我可以阅读我觉得有趣的东西。Secondly, I can take some time to learn something new every day. I can read an article about an unfamiliar topic each day. I can also take a few minutes to get caught up on latest events. 其次,我可以每天花一些时间来学习新东西。
我可以每天读一篇关于一个不熟悉的话题的文章。我也可以花几分钟了解最新的事件。Thirdly, I can get to know people from different backgrounds. To step outside my familiar setting, I can spend more time travelling or connect with a pen pal from another country. 第三,我可以认识来自不同背景的人。为了走出我熟悉的环境,我可以花更多的时间旅行或与来自另一个国家的笔友联系。Finally, I can learn to enjoy the beauty of arts. I can visit a museum or attend a dance performance. I can also take a class on art history.最后,我可以学会欣赏艺术之美。
