北京市海淀区初三2020年上学期期末答案 听力原文 录音稿(7)

2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
M: Really? Who won?
W: Our class did, and our teacher was there, too.
M: Too bad I was busy. I really had wanted to go.
W: Guess what, the score was 101-98.
M: Man, that was a really close game.
W: That’s what made it so great.
M: I’ll make sure to watch the next game.
请听一段对话, 完成第5至第6小题。
W: Thomas, what did you do last weekend?
M: I went to see a movie called My People, My Country.
W: Wow! What do you think of it?
M: It’s very moving.
W: No wonder it’s been a hit across all the social media these days. The audience says they were deeply touched.
M: That’s true. You know, it tells seven short stories and draws on important historical moments since 1949.
W: I can’t wait to watch it!
请听一段对话, 完成第7至第8小题。
W: Have you heard that volunteers are needed for the 19th Asian Games in 2022?
M: Yes, but what should volunteers do for the Games?
