北京市海淀区初三2020年上学期期末答案 听力原文 录音稿(8)

2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
W: They’ll work as guides, give out water or notices, etc.
M: Sounds interesting. Can we join them?
W: Sure. College and high school students are welcome, and we’ll be in high school then!
M: Great! So what can I do first to get the chance?
W: You can visit its website for more information. It won’t close until June, 2021.你可以访问它的网站获得更多信息。它要到2021年6月才会关闭。
M: OK. I’ll do that right now and keep an eye on it.
W: Me, too.
请听一段独白, 完成第9至第10小题。
Hello, everyone. Would you like to make your morning more effective? In fact, some simple tips can help you make it. Figure out what you need to take with you to school the night before. 你好,每个人。你想让你的早晨更有效率吗?事实上,一些简单的技巧可以帮助你成功。前一天晚上弄清楚你需要带什么去学校。After that, fill your bag with things you need, so you can take it and leave immediately the next morning. What’s more, to get a good night’s sleep, you can make your room quiet and dark, which helps you fall asleep easily. And you’d better sleep seven or eight hours. 之后,把你需要的东西装满你的包,这样你就可以在第二天早上马上离开。
