2024-09-29 来源:旧番剧
Franchises don"t lend themselves to startling innovation. Or even freshness. They feed off their own formulas.Frozen II— the sequel to one of Disney"s most successful excursions into animated musicals, bowdlerized fairy tales and Broadway spinoffs — is everything that the hardcore fan will want. It will delight many. It won"t surprise any. 大的IP系列作品不会轻涉创新的风险,甚至会缺乏新意。
There are more costume changes in Frozen II than there are at a Beyoncé concert. Most Disney princess animations are intended to sell party dresses to children, but this is the first which is so obviously meant to launch a fashion line.《冰雪奇缘2》里的换装次数比碧昂丝演唱会的还要多。大多数迪士尼公主动画都有向孩子们售卖派对裙子的意图,但这是第一次做得如此明显,想要开设一条时装生产线的电影。