
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Give me three times more than Antonio borrowed from me.请你加三倍还给我安东尼奥向我借的钱。(旧高中英语课本第三册)
新观点:新教材摈弃了旧教材中的观点,采用了传统语法的第二种观点:n times 形容词或副词的比较级+than表示“比......大n-1倍,是......的n倍大”。例如:
(1)Line AB is 3 times longer than Line CD.
(2)Line AB is 3 times as long as Line CD. (SEFC Teachers" Book 1A P.110)
新教参解释道“句型(1)的含义是: AB线段是CD线段的3倍(若CD是1,则AB是3x1=3)。句型(2)的含义是:AB线段是CD线段的3倍,因此句型(1),(2)是同义结构。”
The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906.现在旧金山市区和郊区的人口已是1906年的10倍以上了。(SEFC Students" Book 1A P.27)
新教参中指出:ten times包含着“十乘......”,“......乘以十”,“十倍于.....”这一意思,原数如果是1,那么,10x1=10,即变成10,亦即是(原数)的十倍,或者说“增加到十倍”,而不表示“增加了十倍”。
Five times as many as people came to the demonstration as (did)last time.=Five times more people came to the demonstration than (did)last time.
I paid three times as much for the meal as they did.=I paid three times more for the meal than they did.
The Gross National Product is four times as much/high as(it was)a decade ago.=The Gross National Product is four times more/higher than (it was)a decade ago.(夸克等,<<英语语法大全>>华东师范大学出版社,P.1577)
