
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
效果逻辑强调控制未来而不是预测未来。在最高层的逻辑上,效果逻辑深深扎根于这个意识,即“人类创造了未来,因此,未来是可以通过人类的共识行为被控制和/或创造的 ”。效果逻辑声称解决了这样的控制逻辑,即创业者的任务不应局限于耐心发掘潜在机会,它还包括通过社会过程实际创造机会。因此创业者应该从他们现在可以利用的资源开始,创造可能的结果,与利益相关者持续互动,以获得他们的承诺。在中间层的模型上,五种启发式方法形成了有效的决策逻辑的主干。Sarasvathy 这样陈述这些启发法:(1)问问自己:你是谁、你知道什么、你认识谁来开始这个过程;(2)通过估算自己可以承受多大的损失来限制风险;(3)拥抱意外因素并尝试利用它;(4)获得早期合作伙伴的承诺来减少不确定性;(5)专注于自身能控制的范围内的活动,而不是试图预测未知的未来。
Discovery-driven planning is an approach that combines business planning with learning through a series of steps that reveal key discoveries (McGrath and MacMillan 2000). On the higher level of logic, discovery-driven planning posits that uncertainty can be reduced by “systematically converting assumptions to knowledge and by redirecting its activities in the face of emerging understanding”(McGrath and MacMillan 2000, p. 243). Proponents of discovery-driven planning maintain that, while conventional planning approaches are helpful in certain situations, they may be useless or even lead to disastrous outcomes in conditions of high uncertainty. Dysfunctional outcomes are largely due to reliance on untested assumptions. To manage the uncertainty, on the middle level of model, discovery-driven planning provides six areas of guidelines: (1) framing the desired business idea; (2) benchmarking the parameters that promise a successful outcome; (3) strategic translation of operations by specifying relevant organizational deliverables; (4) documenting, testing, and evisiting previously held or newly formed assumptions; (5) managing key milestones to reflect on actions taken and planning subsequent milestones; and (6) finding creative ways to run operations with a minimum amount of resources until major assumptions are tested(McGrath and MacMillan 2000). On the lower level of tactics, tools and techniques such as reverse income statement, targeted experiments, and assumptions checklists are offered.
