
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Business planning is defined as “a process of ascertaining a series of potential courses to be taken by the firm, determining the firm’s position as a result of each potential course, comparing and weighing this position for all actions, and, on the basis of the evaluation, selecting the course of action to be followed” (Steinhoff 1971, p. 3). On the higher level of logic, the business plan should offer solutions to “a set of dependent and independent functional problems”(Ackoff 1981, p. 52). The business plan is the formal statement outlining the process of business planning. It is constructed around several functions in the internal organization and several other external factors that influence the entrepreneurial process. Business plans deal with issues such as customers, market objectives, risks, financial plans, management team, and milestone schedules (Draman1995; Delmarand Shane2004). They also include strategies such as cost minimization, and performance and sales maximization (Utterback and Abernathy 1975), differentiation, cost leadership, and focus (Porter 1980; Delmar and Shane 2003). On the middle level of model, there are a number of steps commonly associated with a business planning process: defining the business, developing its mission, setting goals and objectives, crafting a strategy to achieve the objectives, identifying the required resources, establishing a resource acquisition and allocation plan, executing the strategy, evaluating performance, and initiating corrective adjustments (Draman 1995; Steinhoff 1971). Onthe lower level of tactics, approaches such as market research (Hong et al. 2013), focus groups, SWOT analysis, PEST model, 7S model, financial prognosis, and nominal ranking assist entrepreneurs in the process.
