
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Design thinking is “a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity”(Brown2008,p.86). On the higher level of logic, design thinking is “the application of integrative thinking to the task of resolving the conflict between reliability and validity, between exploitation and exploration, and between analytical and intuitive thinking” (Martin 2009, p. 171). Design thinking is grounded in an iterative, nonlinear, and humancentered practice based on user research. The process begins with defining the problem that users experience, understanding it in depth, creating a possible solutionand testing it, and ends with reflecting on the results(Liedtka and Ogilvie 2011; Carlgren et al. 2016). It is through this process of creating, testing, and learning that entrepreneurs can better their initial venture ideas (Brown 2008). On the middle level of model, design thinking consists of five steps: (1) empathizing with the problem by understanding it from the perspective of users,(2)defining the problem indetail by making sense of the dispersed information, (3) brainstorming different ways the problem might be solved through generating a wide range of possible solutions and combining imaginative insights about these solutions, (4) prototyping a solution to highlight its strengths and weaknesses to identify new paths, and (5) testing the solution with users through soliciting feedback about prototypes to gain a better understanding. On the lower level of tactics, design thinking offers tools such as user interviews, physical prototypes, question ladders, innovation flowcharts, and design thinking mixtapes as aids to the process.
