
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
阿兰法约尔(Alain Fayolle)或许是第一批将创业作为新的价值创造加以关注的创业教育学者。2007年,他出版了一本书,其中包含了布鲁亚特具有开创性的法语博士论文的关键部分的英文译本,将创业作为个人与创造的新价值之间的对话。书中提出了一个基于价值创造的更广泛应用创业的观点,并将这些观点带入创业教育的学术领域。根据布鲁亚特的观点,个体与价值创造的对话系统是一个开放的系统,这意味着价值创造需要与周围环境的互动。因此,学生与外部利益相关者的互动构成了基于价值创造的创业教育的重要建议。
The next important step in a value creation-based view of entrepreneurial education came in 2011. Three key contributions were published this year. An attempt to define entrepreneurship as an educationally useful method for value creation was published by Sarasvathy and Venkataraman (2011, p. 120), stating that value creation tools should be taught on a large scale and become “an essential part of basic education.” The same year, Neck and Greene (2011) stated that a focus on methods for value creation represented a new approach to entrepreneurial education. A third article the same year published by Blenker, Korsgaard, Neergaard and Thrane (2011) proposed that entrepreneurial education should be focused on value creation in its broadest sense, as an everyday practice. The following year a definition of entrepreneurial education leaning on value creation was proposed by the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship (Vestergaard et al., 2012, p. 11):
