2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Value creation based entrepreneurial education
One of the first—or perhaps the first—entrepreneurial education scholars to focus on entrepreneurship as new value creation was Alain Fayolle. In 2007 he published a book (Fayolle, 2007) containing a translation into English of key parts of Bruyat’s (1993) seminal doctoral dissertation in French, presenting entrepreneurship as a dialogic between the individual and the new value created. Fayolle’s book made a value creation-based view of entrepreneurship more widely available and brought these ideas into the scholarly field of entrepreneurial education. According to Bruyat and Julien (2001), the dialogic system of the individual and the value created is an open system, implying that value creation requires interaction with the surrounding environment. Student interaction with external stakeholders thus constitutes a key recommendation in value creation-based entrepreneurial education.