
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
This article starts with a brief background of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial education and value creation-based entrepreneurial education. This is followed by a literature review of singular and plural conceptions of value, informing the articulation of a framework with five different kinds of value. Finally, some implications for research and practice are summarized.
It has been argued that there are three main research strands in entrepreneurship research (Fayolle, 2007): studying entrepreneurship (1) as the creation of new organizations, (2) as the discovery or creation of opportunities, or (3) as the creation of new value. The new value creation strand has a long history in entrepreneurship research, with roots in work by Cantillon (1755) and Say (1803). Gartner (1990) has empirically identified new value creation as a main focus of entrepreneurship in the subjective views of entrepreneurship researchers, business leaders and politicians. The value creation perspective of entrepreneurship was further developed by Bruyat (1993), who proposed a definition of entrepreneurship based on two dimensions: the novelty of the value created for others, and the resulting impact of the process on the individual. Bruyat presented entrepreneurship as a dialogic between the individual and the new value created. Entrepreneurship is often assumed by many to be primarily about economic value creation (Korsgaard & Anderson, 2011). This risks neglecting other kinds of value such as social, ecological, mental and physical value potentially created through entrepreneurial processes (Hindle, 2010). Clarification and widening of the term value in connection to entrepreneurship is necessary in order to advance scholarly work in both entrepreneurship and in education.
