
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
近年来,研究人员讨论了将创业融入到教育的第三种新方法,虽然这种新方法还没有一个确定的术语定义,但在这里先暂时称之为基于价值创造的创业教育,它是基于为他人创造新的价值的创业。根据布鲁亚特(Bruyat)的说法,创造的价值越新颖,对个人管理的过程所产生的影响就越大,人们就越倾向于把这个过程描述为创业。这种创业观在学者和实践者中都得到了很好的确立,但是对克里斯蒂安·布鲁亚特(Christian Bruyat)和他的同事布鲁亚特和朱利安来说,最新的研究依据几乎没有什么可依赖的。
The emphasis on learning and personal development in a value creation based view of entrepreneurship makes it particularly relevant to educators. It offers teachers a solution to the troubling dilemma that the two main approaches to infuse entrepreneurship into education are both quite problematic (Lackéus, 2017a). Entrepreneurship education based on a business start-up logic (Gartner, 1989) is problematic for many teachers due to its connotations with capitalism (Rae, 2010).Enterprise education based on an opportunity identification logic (Shane, 2003; QAA, 2012) suffers from fuzziness and weak effects on students (Moberg, 2014; Leffler, 2009). The resulting dilemma where many teachers are caught between two inappropriate alternatives could explain why infusing entrepreneurship into education has remained a challenging and marginal endeavor in practice (Eurydice, 2016; Pittaway & Edwards, 2012).
