
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
To realize democracy, there must be equality rather than superiority, rule of law rather than bullying and coercion, and solidarity rather than confrontation. The self-styled “beacon of democracy” has evident democratic malaise and huge democratic deficits. The countries that pose the greatest threat to global democracy are exactly those that interfere in others’ internal affairs, arbitrarily impose unilateral sanctions, and carry out military interventions across the world.
Facts have proven long ago that exerting one’s own model of democracy on the world doesn’t work. The US tries to divide the world into “democratic” and “undemocratic” camps by its own standard, and blatantly instigates division and confrontation. Such practice will only cause more turmoil and disasters to the world, and will meet strong condemnation and opposition from the international community.
