
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
路透社记者:在中尼复交之际,中方是否将与尼加拉瓜展开经济合作或给予经济方面的援助?如果有,金额或规模有多大? Reuters: Will China engage in economic cooperation with or offer economic assistance to Nicaragua upon resuming diplomatic relations? If so, could you share the amount or scale of such cooperation or assistance? 汪文斌:首先我想告诉大家,中尼复交是政治决策,绝不是交易筹码。尼加拉瓜决定同中国复交,是出于对一个中国原则的认同,是一项政治决断,没有任何经济前提。中方高度赞赏尼方立场。
Wang Wenbin: First I’d like to say that the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Nicaragua is a political decision, not a bargaining chip. Nicaragua made this political decision based on its recognition of the one-China principle. There is no economic precondition. China highly appreciates its position.
同时我也想指出,中尼复交为两国关系发展开辟了广阔前景。两国将在坚持一个中国原则基础上,全面开展互利合作。双方将加强各层级交往,不断增进互信;积极开展抗疫合作,同时充分发挥互补优势,积极推进务实合作和各领域交流,增进两国人民福祉;双方也将在国际和地区事务中保持密切沟通协调,维护发展中国家共同利益。 I want to add that the resumption of diplomatic ties opens broad prospects for the development of bilateral relations. The two sides will conduct all-round mutually-beneficial cooperation on the basis of the one-China principle. We will increase exchange at various levels and enhance mutual trust. We will actively conduct anti-epidemic cooperation, draw on each other’s complementary strengths, actively promote practical cooperation and exchange in various areas, and advance our people’s wellbeing. We will also maintain close communication and coordination in international and regional affairs to safeguard developing countries’ common interests.


