
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
The lean startup methodology is “a set of practices for helping entrepreneurs increase their oddsof building successful startups” (Ries 2011, p. 20). On the higher level of logic, the lean startup methodology is founded on “the realization that although human judgment may be faulty, we can improve our judgment by subjecting our theories to repeated testing” (Ries 2011, p. 150).Such repeated testing or purposeful experimentation is specifically designed to provide validated learning about a new product o r service (Maurya 2012; Ries 2011). Evidence is gathered through close and constant interactions with current and potential customers and used to validate or invalidate key assumptions of the venture. On the middle level of model, the lean startup methodology provides the “build-measure-learn” diagram: (1) mapping a business idea onto testable business model assumptions (Osterwalder and Pigneur 2010) and building a “minimum viable product” (MVP) that allows for collecting feedback, (2) testing the product with customers and objectively analyzing the results of the completed tests to validate or invalidate key assumptions, and (3) learning from the results and designing the next rounds of experiments. Additionally, the proponents of the lean startup methodology rely on customer development (Blank and Dorf 2012) as a guiding tool, which entails four stages of customer discovery, customer validation, customer creation, and company creation. These processes are designed to reduce uncertainty through the accumulation of detailed and accurateinfor mation. On the lower level of tactics, the lean startup Methodology relies on a set of tools that are appropriated from other domains, such as rapid prototyping (Brown 2008) and agile software development principles (Dyb and Dingsyr 2008). Tactics such as customer interviews, targeted experiments, physical prototypes, concierge, fake door tests, and A/B tests all allow for quick feedback collection and advancement of the process.
