
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
3.2Step 2: comparing six entrepreneurial methods across the levels of logic, model, and tactics
For the level of logic, Table 1 illustrates several critical assumptions about the nature of the venture creation process, specified through theoretical and philosophical axioms. Examples include the notion of uncertainty (McKelvie et al. 2011), the view of the future in relation to the level of skepticism of the predictability of outcomes (Tetlockand Gardner 2016) , and the nature of the process as discovery or creation (Alvarez and Barney 2007). All the entrepreneurial methods that were reviewed explicitly or implicitly address the logic of their prescriptions. For example, business planning employs scenario building as a way to “predict” the future, while effectuation relies on heuristics for controlling present conditions while creating future ones. Knowledge and evidence are other notions central to the level of logic in almost all of the surveyed entrepreneurial methods. It is through the process of knowledge gathering by interacting with the external world that entrepreneurs engage in a process of learning (Cohen and Levinthal 1990) and eventually reduce the uncertainty they face.
