
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
4.3Knowledge expansion 知识拓展
The third conceptual dimension relates to activities aiming to expand the knowledge base beyond the level of personal and general knowledge an entrepreneur possesses at any given time in an entrepreneurial process. Knowledge plays an important role in entrepreneurship (Tang et al. 2012), and its importance is highlighted in most of the entrepreneurial methods. Except for business planning, in which the role of knowledge is more illustrative and representational,the other methods emphasize leveraging current personal and general knowledge in order to expand the repository of one’s own knowledge. Effectuation and prescriptive entrepreneurship strongly emphasize personal knowledge as the starting point (Fiet 2008; Sarasvathy 2001), whereas other methods stress the importance of expanding the general knowledge base, regardless of its origin. A key observable difference between the methods has to do with ideas about how knowledge should be expanded (cf. Lundvall1992).In effectuation, knowledge is expanded primarily when stakeholders in possession of newknowledge join the network, whereas in prescriptive entrepreneurship, the lean startup methodology, and design thinking, knowledge is expanded through carefully designed information gathering activities. These differences mirror the previously observed differences in conceptualizations of uncertainty management, suggesting a strong link between the acquisition of knowledge and the ability to manage uncertainty.
