
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
4.5Continuous learning 持续性学习
The fifth conceptual dimension refers to the role of feedback and how it provides learning opportunities for entrepreneurs during venture creation activities. Continuous learning from feedback plays an important role in shaping the trajectory of the entrepreneurial process (Minniti and Bygrave 2001). Feedback can be the outcome of a deliberate process of information gathering, as in the lean startup methodology, design thinking, and discovery-driven planning. It can also be the result of serendipity and happenstance, as in effectuation and prescriptive entrepreneurship (Harmeling and Sarasvathy 2013). In all entrepreneurial methods except for business planning, a high value is placed on continuous learning and the philosophical grounding of the venture creation process in newly learned insights. Feedback from the external environment is stressed as a source of continuous learning (cf. Kolb 1984). Effectuation deviates somewhat from the other methodologies by placing less focus on continuous learning as an inherent strategy and moreasa by-product of following other recommendations. The lean startup methodology and, to some extent, design thinking are more explicit, using validated learning as a cornerstone of their main ideas. Such a continuous learning necessitates a need for revisiting and revising transient assumptions held by entrepreneurs in the face of newly acquired information (Ries 2011).
