
2023-09-11 来源:旧番剧
And so he did. He wove it all that day in his web, and the next morning he brought her a long piece of the loveliest spider-lace as fine as a cobweb. Little Freckle Frog was very grateful to him.


"But what shall I do for a parasol?" she asked.
"但是我要拿什么做遮阳伞呢?" 她问.
"Oh, I"ll tell you!" called a soft little voice, and when she looked up she saw a tiny white butterfly resting on a flower.
"哦,我告诉你!" 一个柔软的声音说道.当她抬起头时,她看到了一只小白蝴蝶停在花上休息.
"I know where there is the dearest little mushroom. It kept the rain off of me the other day, and it is just as soft and pink as Big Mary"s parasol."
So she showed Freckle Frog where to find the mushroom, and it was very soft and pink, just as she had said, and Freckle Frog was very happy about it.
