
2023-12-21 来源:旧番剧
Many the souls that sped, 我们的号令森严:
Many the hearts that bled, 叫多少心脏流血,
By our stern orders. 送多少灵魂上天!
“Many a wassail-bout “无数次饮䜩作乐,
Wore the long Winter out; 消磨漫长的冬季;
Often our midnight shout 我们午夜的狂呼
Set the cocks crowing, 常常使雄鸡惊啼;
As we the Berserk’s tale 像北方武士记数,
Measured in cups of ale, 用一杯杯麦酒算计,
Draining the oaken pail, 我们喝干橡木桶,
Filled to o’erflowing. 一个个烂醉如泥。


“Once as I told in glee “有一回我兴奋地讲着
Tales of the stormy sea, 海上风暴的故事,
Soft eyes did gaze on me, 一双热情而妩媚的眼睛
Burning yet tender; 温柔地向我凝视;
And as the white stars shine 像在幽暗的挪威松顶
On the dark Norway pine, 闪烁的点点银星,
On that dark heart of mine 这双星眸的清辉
Fell their softsplendor. 照临我幽暗的心灵。
“I wooed the blue-eyed maid, “我向着蓝眼姑娘求爱,
Yielding, yet half afraid, 她是顺从的,又有些害怕,
And in the forest’s shade 在密林的浓荫里,
