
2023-12-21 来源:旧番剧
Our vows were plighted. 我们把誓约定下。
Under its loosened vest 她那娇小的胸脯
Fluttered her little breast, 在宽松的衣衫里震颤,
Like birds within their nest 好似巢中的鸟儿,
By the hawk frighted. 受到鹰隼的惊吓。
“Bright in her father’s hall “在她父亲的殿堂,
Shields gleamed upon the wall, 墙头的盾牌闪亮,
Loud sang the minstrels all, 乐师们高声合唱,
Chanting his glory; 赞颂他的荣光;
When of old Hildebrand 我向老喜德布兰请求
I asked his daughter’s hand, 娶他的女儿为妻子,
Mute did the minstrels stand 乐师们静静地站着,
To hear my story. 听我讲我的经历。
“While the brown ale he quaffed, “傲然畅饮褐麦酒,
Loud then the champion laughed, 王爷高声笑呵呵,
And as the wind-gusts waft 好似一阵风刮来
The sea-foam brightly, 在海上吹起白沫,
So the loud laugh of scorn, 从那留须的唇边
Out of those lips unshorn, 发出轻蔑的大笑,
From the deep drinking-horn 在深深的酒觥里
Blew the foam lightly. 轻轻地泛起水泡。
“She was a Prince’s child, “她是王爷的女儿,
I but a Viking wild, 我却是粗野的海盗,
And though she blushed and smiled, 她曾红着脸、微笑着应允,
I was discarded! 我还是被抛弃掉!
Should not the dove so white 这样洁白的鸽子
